Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Week 32 - Mt Mindlab

I have to be honest and say I don't know if I've enjoyed the whole experience as many seem to... My own (incorrect) ideas about what the course involved, under-estimation of workload required for the course, family issues and my position as a second year teacher all contributed. I know that this has been a huge juggle for everyone but for myself I've often wondered if was a bit too early to do this?

For most of this year I have felt that I am just doing a lot of things not as well as I could. Handing in assignments I wasn't totally happy with to just get it done and off my desk didn't feel great, at the same time being less prepared than I would like for new teaching topics due to the pressure of homework. I guess this is the reality of part-time postgraduate study and it's made me think very hard about going there again. But hey, I've done it now and am as proud and relieved as punch. I kind of feel like I've been doing altitude training and that going back to just a regular teacher workload will seem pretty easy after this (I hope). I'm also proud of the example I've set my teenage daughters about working hard and making sacrifices to achieve your goals (evenings, dawn, weekends, holidays etc).

As I near the end I can see more benefits and feel that perhaps I have learnt something along the way about leadership and how I can and do lead everyday. For me, this is a highlight and I feel more confident in that role. I would have loved to undertake this with at least one other teacher from my school and I wonder if others feel the same? I would recommend that to anyone considering Mindlab. The conversations I've had over Google+ have been great and a huge support but planning and implementing ideas together would be really useful.

In terms of digital collaboration I don't feel I've made the progress I would like to - yet. Time to absorb, research, plan, implement and test some of the many possibilities will come I suppose and at least I have more awareness of the processes involved and the pedagogical framework to support them. I come from a background of using technology and have high expectations for myself here.

I'm more cogniscant of my learners needs definitely - I always made the effort to get to know my students but making those connections and finding out how they learn best and how I can help them do that has become far more central to my practice.

My next project is to complete my Teacher Registration, plenty of cross-crediting opportunities available from my assignments thankfully. I would like to complete one of the free Te Reo courses run by AUT and aim to get together a group of teachers from my school to do it together. I'm going to delay any further post-grad for a while and just concentrate on trying to be a better teacher for now - I feel I have a big backlog of ideas to pursue and that's enough for now. Next year I aim to apply to be a Microsoft Expert in Education as another challenge, as my school is a Microsoft Academy institution this makes a lot of sense in terms of what I can offer.

I am a far more reflective teacher and hopefully I think I will be a better one. So thanks Mindlab and everyone who has helped me along the way, ultimately it was a very worthwhile experience - it turns out it was worth it after all!

Criteria 4

Fully registered teachers demonstrate commitment to ongoing professional learning and development of personal professional practice.
Key indicators:
  • Identify professional learning goals in consultation with colleagues.
  • Participate responsively in professional learning opportunities within the learning community.
  • Initiate learning opportunities to advance personal professional knowledge and skills.

Guiding question

How do I/can I utilise e-learning to further my professional learning and development?

I am the Faculty Lead Person for Social Sciences at my school, completing the Mindlab course has encouraged me to step forward to a leading position at an early stage of my career and see the ways in which my e-learning interest can support my colleagues. I contribute to and have led Faculty and full-staff PD on different aspects of digital technology and useful ways to employ them in the classroom. I have established a 'TechTips' page on out Faculty OneNote site for easy access to user-friendly ideas aimed at increasing teacher use of the technology.

Criteria 7

Fully registered teachers promote a collaborative, inclusive, and supportive learning environment.
Key indicators:
  • Demonstrate effective management of the learning setting which incorporates successful strategies to engage and motivate ākonga/learners.
  • Foster trust, respect, and cooperation with and among ākonga/learners.

Guiding question

How do I promote a collaborative, inclusive, and supportive learning environment that embraces e-learning and engages learners?

I am far more aware of the different needs my learners may present with - by surveying students as to what they have found enjoyable, what works for them, if they feel safe or confident asking questions and working towards structured and creative collaborative strategies I am increasing the level of trust I build with my students. They know I am genuinely interested in their feedback and will respond to it.

Osterman, K. & Kottkamp, R.(1993). Reflective Practice for Educators.California.Cornwin Press, Inc. Retrieved from http://www.itslifejimbutnotasweknowit.org.uk/files/RefPract/Osterman_Kottkamp_extract.pdf

Ministry of Education (nd). Practising teacher Criteria and e-learning . Retrieved from http://elearning.tki.org.nz/Professional-learning/Registered-Teacher-Criteria-and-e-learning


  1. Hi Sarah, firstly congratulations on completing the course - I can really resonate with the struggle of balance, and as an experienced teacher with young boys, I too have had to 'just get things done' at times! I really loved your survey ideas, using the visual images is awesome - what an energetic idea! I wanted to add to your thoughts about "how we can and do lead everyday". I used to underestimate the impact that daily leadership has on both our students and our teachers around us. I love watching and learning about leadership, and there is a lot of strong research that talks about how much impact "leaders out of leadership positions" can have on colleagues - natural leaders is a term we could use. Your children and your school are really lucky to have such a reflective and thoughtful leader! Take care and enjoy your holiday! Rae

    1. Thanks for your comments Rae. Interesting to
      hear your similar take in the leadership aspect, an unexpected aspect for me. Regards Sarah.

  2. Thanks Allana, love any positive feedback! Looking forward to more un-packing. Even today I found myself pushing students to collaborate on a new platform and share with the class. They enjoyed it (I asked for their feedback) and relished the opportunity of using a new programme (Sway). We'll combine them together to create a class presentation that can be shared with others. Your Te Reo suggestions and the link is great - love seeing other people's work. Perfect timing for Maori Language Week next week and I'll be using the prayer component in my Homeroom. Thanks again and good luck with your final steps. Sarah.
