Thursday, 12 November 2015

The big knowledge question

What is knowledge? Certainly we brought similar key ideas from our different viewpoints. Changing, evolving, contextual, collaborative, creative, applicable were common themes. Content + context is vital. Having the skills and critical thinking to know when and how to apply or use that knowledge is key. Our group found knowledge a bit like a cloud - forever changing as it absorbed and reacted to the world and elements around it. 
As someone who has recently changed careers completely I’ve had to challenge these aspects of myself and have found it stimulating and exciting. I was keen to learn, expand my knowledge and perform well. My level of motivation may be somewhat higher than some of my students however and I’d love to discover and/or create more opportunities for that spark for learning and desire to know to be evidenced in my classes.

Utilising technology as a tool is certainly a great way to access that however it is only a tool. As a graphic designer I learnt the best designs were created by hand and then developed by the computer itself. I’d like to think that this analogy applies to learning in the school environment also. The spark, the idea, the jumping off point for knowledge is through content, discussion, sharing, questioning, inquiring – as a teacher I can help facilitate that. This evolution of technology is just that - not a revolution - a good teacher is still required for effective learning.

Something I have already reflected on in my own practice is that sometimes I need to let my students learn instead of trying to teach them all the time. As I gain experience and confidence I have found that hand-over a bit easier and hope to develop that.

The past few weeks after junior exams has been a great opportunity to try out some different techniques in the classroom without the pressure of assessment timelines. One of my classes is tasked with producing and filming a news segment including current affairs, sports, weather and education reports. Another is creating a film outlining a resource issue and promoting an event designed to raise awareness of that issue. There is a wide range of responses being created, from websites to posters and songs. I look forward to sharing some of their work soon.

1 comment:

  1. It was great to read about your awesome journey. We all belong to so many different professional communities. I loved the way you used images to say more than you could have done in words - I need to remember that for my blog! It has been an interesting journey to date and this has been a very interesting and informative read. Thank you.
