Trends in Education
Global or mega trends are identified as contemporary trends or issues that have the potential and power to shape the direction of the world's politics and economies. The undeniable role of technology has important implications for understanding the future direction of learning and behaviour.Trends in New Zealand Education
Each year, CORE Education identifies the top ten trends expected to make an impact on education within a New Zealand context.
(Retrieved from
Within the context of my own communities of practice and my developing identity as a teacher and leader, I feel two areas in particular are worthy of closer examination.
Digital Literacy
Schools identified as doing well in this area were:- focused on adapting school systems, programmes and resources to meet the needs of the students
- were innovative in how they responded to students‟ learning needs
- resourced programmes through creative problem solving
- worked effectively as teams
- used information about students‟ strengths, interests and needs to develop and review programmes for students
These areas are of continual focus for improvement and discussion both within faculty and school -wide PD at my school. The scope for developing this area further lies in moving beyond mere technological mastery but into creative approaches to lessons and assessments, greater and more effective use of the collaborative aspects of digital technology and recognising the importance of students' own interests and strengths.
Changing Education Paradigms Animation
Harnessing the strengths of our 'digital natives' means we won't lose them to all the learning available to them outside the education system but hopefully keep them engaged with it via a more agentic role.
These factors will all contribute towards a greater focus on student-centered and more authentic learning. This is an area I'm focusing on in my TAI and I'm enjoying surveying my students for feedback on how we collaborate, their own areas of interest and their input for possibilities for collaboration and research. In this way I can help my students engage meaningfully with the technology at their fingertips and apply it in ways that are relevant and connected to the future they are preparing for. I continue to seek feedback from and engage with other teachers on new and experimental ways to collaborate with the students and this is providing some really useful ideas for use in my own practice. I'm looking forward to continuing to track the progress and feedback from my classes as we try different programmes and techniques.
Changing Education Paradigms Animation
Change Leadership
Core identifies the trend of Change Leadership as another component in successfully navigating the rapidly evolving digital environment and that "newer and more agile arrangements are required".This has been an area of growing awareness and development for myself this year. The Leadership component of Mindlab forced me to consider more deeply the structures in place at my school and how I fit into them. Change has certainly occurred over the past year as my school adapts to the need for sharing in the overall vision of the school with less of a top-down structure. There's been some good steps towards creating a more open attitude towards change.
Each Faculty has a Lead Person who undertakes weekly training in technology with the responsibility of filtering out the knowledge most relevant to their group. This will depend on particular subject areas, levels of mastery etc. This encourages and promotes change leadership to flourish - my role as an FLP has enabled me to see myself as a leader and to help others develop their own confidence to become leaders themselves.
Our staff PD sessions on a Friday allow choice for areas of interest and levels of mastery. Staff who are 'early adopters' take small sessions. This more fluid and flexible approach to leadership allows for individuals (myself included) to recognise and develop their own leadership skills and distributes the responsibility outwards not just down.
These sessions have been a really positive element within my community of practice and one that shows a good awareness of the need to adapt and change. I'm looking forward to holding more sessions - especially aimed at some of the collaborative and creative uses of technology in the classroom.
Core Education Top Ten Trends (2016) Retrieved from
Changing Education Paradigms Animation (2010) retrieved from
Education Review Office. (2012). Evaluation at a Glance: Priority Learners in New Zealand Schools. Retrieved 18 May 2016, from
National intelligence council.(2012). Global trends: Alternative Worlds. National Intelligence Council: US. Retrieved from